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Student 1200 1000 200 Details...
Teachers 170 165 5 Details...
Stuffs 200 198 2 Details...
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Student 40 Click to see available possition
Teacher 7 Click to see available possition
Stuffs 3 Click to see available possition
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School Syllabus

Compulsory Subjects: 1. Bangla 2. English 3. Religion & Moral Education 4. Health Sciences & Sports.

Group Group wise compulsory subjects Group wise optional subjects (One subject may be

1. Physics

2. Chemistry

3. Biology/Higher Maths

4. Bangladesh and Global Studies

1. Biology/Higher Maths/Computer/Agriculture/Home Science/Arts and Crafts


1. Business

2. Accounting

3. Finance and Banking

4. Science

1. Bangladesh and Global Studies (Computer Education/Agriculture/Home Science/Arts and Crafts)

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